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About Us

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Pastors Andy and Stacy Remus


Andy, a farm boy from Stratford, WI grew up with adventurous stories, filled with hard work ethic, family love and laughter.  Stacy, a Marshfield, WI native grew up in church, but it wasn't until hearing Andy's father's conversion story, that she too decided to pursue a relationship with Jesus. Together, along with their sons Connor and Cameron, Andy and Stacy began serving locally in a variety of ministry leadership capacities over the past twenty-five years.  The Remus family has lived in the Arpin area for over twenty years and are very involved in the community.  In their spare time, the Remus's enjoy classic cars, good laughs and great potlucks with friends and family.



Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to be real, raw and relational with our relationship with Jesus and others.


We follow the fundamental truths set forth by the Assembly of God Fellowship.

Image by Ben White

Our Leadership Team


Georgi Sartain

Office Manager


Patrick Langreck

Lead Pastor
Spencer Cross Fire Church


Paul Martin



Jay Holbrook



Paul Veldman



Dean Fischer

Trustee & Operations Ministry Leader


Doug Pince


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Arlen Schueneman

Missions Director


LeAnn Fischer

Intercessory Prayer Leader

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Sarah Holbrook

Children's Ministry Director

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Stacy Remus

Worship and Small Group Director


Jeff Schlueter

Media Team Lead


Mary Schueneman

Hospitality Director

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Cathie Shilts

Women's Ministry Director


Nan Pleggenkuhle

Connections Ministry Director

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Natalie Remus



Dean Hafermann

Celebrate Recovery Leader


Tom Shilts

Men's Ministry Director

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John Draxler

Trail Life USA Director

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Beth Zarnke

Social Media/Web Design

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Tentmakers Ministry Team

L to R: Joseph Cooper, Andy Quance, Talia Germann, Gloriana Maendel, Bonnie Hedstrom, Phil Stadem

Image by Ben White

Our Vision

To see that Jesus is center of every person's life. 

We believe that a church should be FOR the community - serving alongside our neighbors, so that Jesus can be felt and heard in all neighborhoods.

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